
Music is my language to express all what I cannot put into words. In this section I share with you original melodies and sounds, taking you through various genres and styles to explore my life in its ever-changing colors.


La música es mi idioma para expresar lo que no logro decir con palabras. En esta sección les comparto melodías y sonidos propios, llevándoles a través de diversos géneros y estilos a explorar mi vida en su incesante cambio de tonalidades.

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Because social media sites sometimes disappear, one might get censored, etc., having someone's e-mail is still the safest way to stay in touch
Porque las redes sociales desaparecen, te pueden censurar, etc., el tener el e-mail de alguien es la forma más segura de permanecer en contacto

Rock & Pop

House of Gold artwork showing Raul Hurtado holding a candlestick


House of Gold is Raúl's latest single.


House of Gold es el último sencillo de Raúl.
National Park of the Leather artwork showing Raul Hurtado's silhouette over natural scenery


National Park of the Leather is a single about hardened hearts.


National Park of the Leather es un sencillo sobre corazones endurecidos.
New Beginnings artwork showing Raul Hurtado with a stunning blue sky background


New Beginnings is a 2-song release (2023).


New Beginnings es un sencillo en dos canciones (2023).
Time for Battle artwork showing Raul Hurtado wearing a hat


Time for Battle is a 2-song release (2022).


Time for Battle es un lanzamiento en dos canciones (2022).
Marioneta artwork showing an LP cover with The Venus de Milo


Marioneta is a song about loving God freely and madly.


Marioneta es una canción sobre el amar a Dios libre e intensamente.
Rainbows of Peace artwork showing an LP with the colors of the rainbow


Rainbows of Peace is a song about reconciling Heaven and earth.


Rainbows of Peace es una canción sobre el reconciliar cielo y tierra.
God's Masterpiece artwork showing a finger pointing toward the sun


God's Masterpiece is a song about the creation of man.


God's Masterpiece es una canción sobre la creación del hombre.
Spiridelia artwork showing Raul Hurtado looking at an incandescent light bulb


Spiridelia is Raúl's third full album.


Spiridelia es el tercer álbum completo por Raúl.
Resignation artwork showing Raul Hurtado looking at the camera


Resignation is a single about the importance of resigning to the Will of God.


Resignation es un sencillo sobre la importancia de resignarse a la Voluntad de Dios.
The Door is Open artwork showing Raul Hurtado inviting people to come


The Door is Open is a spiridelic song about the call to the order, the place, and the purpose for which we were create by God.


The Door is Open es una canción espiridélica sobre el llamado al orden, al puesto, y a la finalidad para la que fuimos creados por Dios.
Into the Light artwork showing Raul Hurtado in a dark place


Into the Light is Raúl's first spiridelic song—about the final victory of good over evil.


Into the Light es la primera canción espiridélica de Raúl; trata sobre la victoria final del bien sobre el mal.
Inner Road to Somewhere artwork showing a road that enters into Raul Hurtado


Inner Road to Somewhere is Raúl Hurtado's second full album of pop rock songs.


Inner Road to Somewhere es el segundo álbum completo de Raúl Hurtado de canciones pop rock.
In the Vastness of the Universe artwork showing Raul Hurtado in space


In the Vastness of the Universe is a rock song about our nothingness and spiritual pride.


In the Vastness of the Universe es una canción rock sobre nuestra nada y el orgullo espiritual.
The Way of No Conditions artwork showing Raul Hurtado standing on a street and playing the guitar


The Way of No Conditions is a rock song about becoming Love.


The Way of No Conditions es una canción rock sobre el convertirnos en Amor.
Love Spell artwork showing a bright light coming out from the heart of Jesus


Love Spell is a pop song about loving God like He loves us.


Love Spell es una canción pop sobre el amar a Dios como Él nos ama.
Every Once in a While artwork showing Raul Hurtado looking to the side


Every Once in a While is a rock song about envy and peace.


Every Once in a While es una canción rock sobre la envidia y la paz.
Humble Games artwork showing a bright moon between dark clouds


Humble Games is a pop song about the virtue of humility.


Humble Games es una canción pop sobre la virtud de la humildad.
Little Sweet Bonds artwork showing Raúl making a heart with his hands


Little Sweet Bonds is a rock song about differences between people and creating brotherly bonds with one another.


Little Sweet Bonds es una canción rock sobre las diferencias entre las personas y el crear vínculos de hermandad.
Modern Lolita artwork showing a young girl painted on wood


Modern Lolita is a pop song about a beautiful, inspiring young girl.


Modern Lolita es una canción pop sobre una hermosa, inspiradora jovencita.
Detail shot of Mr. D.J. robot


Robootopia is a pop song inspired by robots and their desire to have free will like a man.


Robootopia es una canción pop inspirada en los robots y su deseo de tener un libre albedrío como los hombres.
Songs from my Childhood Album Cover


Songs from my Childhood is my first full album: a collection of songs that I composed during my teenage years.


Canciones de mi Infancia es mi primer álbum completo: una colección de canciones compuestas durante mi adolescencia.


View of Bogotá from Monserrate Mountain


An Afternoon in Bogotá is an experimental house music track.


Una tarde en Bogotá es una canción experimental de house.